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An awkward person's Guide to accepting compliments

Kashish Anand

I'll be honest, I grew up disliking all parts of myself, given how 'unconventional' they were to me. So every time someone said something nice to me, I'd look at them like they're an idiot. Gave an awkward smile and YEETED.

I've gone from staring at people awkwardly to being self-deprecating the moment they ended the sentence to brushing them off as an act of being 'humble'. But over time, I've learned that being a jerk isn't the most respectful thing to do.

So here's what I, an awkward person (cue: not pick me), do to present a sane image of myself to the world.

  1. Don't be dismissive- Don't outright dismiss the compliment, take time and process it. People mean the things they say, you ARE great. (slaps Accept it) And even if you feel like they don't mean it, honestly, take the compliment and yeet them.

  2. Don't be self-depreciative- Now THAT is 'pick me'. Don't say shit about yourself. Don't slaps do slaps it slaps. How you speak about yourself largely governs how others speak about you, hold yourself in high regard. (Do it for me :"))

  3. The art of being humble- Yes it looks good on someone to be humble when accepting compliments, but you know what looks better and will always do? Confidence. Give yourself the credit, own up to your work. You have 2 brain cells, give them their due respect for working so hard for you. Please note- You can be confident and humble.

  4. Don't be over-confident- Erm, yes, please. Don't say things like "eh, I know it already". Those statements are nice as jokes but it's a massive fail when you equate it to the logic of appreciation. Of course, you know it because it is a part of you, but eh, they noticed it too? And appreciated it? That's how we make the world a nice place, hon.

So what exactly should you do??

You say things like 'Thank you 'That's very kind of you, and then you sit down and appreciate yourself a little more about the same thing. You hug yourself, and you treat yourself. Because you are worthy of so much love and appreciation.

And the last thing I want to say before signing off, it's okay if you don't find it in yourself to believe the compliment. It's fine. Just save it for whenever you will find that appreciation in yourself. Until then, Thank Yous will be saving the face.

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Gayathri Sriram
Gayathri Sriram
Sep 15, 2021

This is the best thing I've read in weeks! Thank you for giving me tips lol I definitely needed it!

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