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  • Writer's picturedeva

Menstruation and Empathy

Here's the thing. The rules of anatomy dictate that every human being with a uterus is bound to menstruate. They will prepare an egg to be released, and if the egg isn't fertilized, they will bleed. For days. And it will affect them physically, mentally, and socially. They will have to deal with terrible cramps, be a victim of mood swings, and will constantly need to check for period stains.

And all of this is normal.

talk about periods
Credits: Irina Ilina

When almost half of the human beings in our world deal with menstruation, I believe that everyone must know how a menstruating individual feels during their periods and not just the science of it. Like your favourite artist, favourite TV show, or favourite food, menstruation must be brought up as a topic of conversation at least once when you are close to a person who menstruates, or you menstruate. How you perceive menstruation defines who you are.

No two individuals are ever the same. Everyone has a different perspective on food, art, sex, and politics. Some of these perspectives are due to their individual anatomy—their height, weight, stuff like that. Menstruation is one of them. Every menstruating individual apprehends it differently. Some have severe cramps, some don't feel cramps at all. Some may bleed a lot, some bleed very little.

If you know anyone who menstruates, and you wish to know them better, ask them about their cycle. Ask them questions on what you do not know. Assure them that you'd support them in the darkest of times. Promise them that you'd break the stigma and not hesitate to buy sanitary products for them. Tell them that it's okay if they don't hide their sanitary products far inside their cupboard out of nobody's vision. Be empathetic enough to embrace their mood swings and be patient with them. Send them period memes if they are comfortable with it (if they are, go nuts, my dude). Make puns on sanitary product companies. Trust me, they will appreciate your support.

talk to your partner about periods

If you are a person who menstruates, and you wish to talk about it to someone you know, do not hesitate to make the first move. Let them know that it is a normal phenomenon that half of the world goes through. Let them know about the stigma surrounding menstruation and encourage them to filter the facts from the myths. Let them know that it's okay to be misinformed about it and that you are willing to spend time explaining it. Let them know that you go through terrible mood swings and that you're helpless during those times. Let them know that dealing with cramps is agonizing. Send them period memes if they are comfortable with it (if they are, go nuts my fren). Trust me, they'd appreciate you talking about it.

talk to your partner on periods

If they don't, punch them where it hurts the most.

Legal Disclaimer: The writer does not encourage violence of any form.

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Oof, this is amazing! Kudos to the legal disclaimer 😂


Gayathri Sriram
Gayathri Sriram

Thank you for writing this! And lol those chats!😂

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