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We are Neev.

Updated: Sep 8, 2020

If you were to ask a menstruating person how it feels like to menstruate, the answer would vary from person to person. Some would prefer killing themselves instead, some would be willing to ransom mother nature for a humble uterus, or they would be kind enough to nuke every menstruating person to ease them of their pain if they are given an opportunity. 'Anything is better than menstruation' is a perfect example of poetic exaggeration.

But what is menstruation? Scientifically, it is normal vaginal bleeding that occurs as part of a woman's monthly cycle. Every month (after menarche), your body prepares for pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, the uterus, or womb, sheds its lining. Along with the bleeding, people also go through hormonal changes that lead to cramps, mood swings, headaches, diarrhea, and even nausea. To put it simply, it is an unwanted monthly subscription to Satan's waterfall.

It can involve painful cramps, the kind of mood swings that leave you mentally tired, excessive bleeding, and other such draconian phenomena. It can be hard to communicate what you are going through when you can’t always understand what it is that is happening to your body and it becomes harder when such a naturally occurring phenomenon is covered under the stigma that is culturally accepted in our society. Questions like 'Am I impure because I bleed?', 'Will society no longer accept me if they realize that I bleed?', 'Is bleeding even normal?' have fogged the brains our ancestors who used to menstruate, and most of them concluded that it's better if they don't talk about it—even amongst people who menstruate. The world has grown, even though at present it is stuck in stasis, yet some mentalities have not changed and continue to have toxic effects on those who menstruate and the society at large.

Our objective is to help bring about a change in the stigma that is still attached to menstruation, or at the very least facilitate discussions about menstruation in an effort to understand the various issues that are undergone before, during, and after the onset of menstruation. Our project, titled Neev- The Foundation, aims to debunk every taboo associated to menstruation and lay a solid foundation on menstrual hygiene so that people who menstruate can focus on living their lives to the fullest and not worry much about their monthly subscription (smh this is exactly what sanitary products promise on their advertisements and don't fulfill them -_-).

We would also like to create a community of people who are interested to talk about menstruation and spread awareness on menstrual hygiene. Head over to the forums section to know more. We value your feedback and would be happy to understand your opinions on our articles.


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Vibha Kori
Vibha Kori
Sep 21, 2020

What a lovely initiative! ❤️

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