We all have heard and studied what is menstruation and what it does to the body. What we might have missed, is the interesting take about the roots of menstruation in Ayurveda, the oldest and ancient Indian system of holistic medicine that has been practiced in India for at least 5000 years.
Ayurveda and Menstruation
According to this ancient science, menstruation is a process of purification. It is the body's own self-cleansing mechanism of removing toxins and impurities.
Another explanation in Ayurveda indicates that the body builds up prana (Life force or Energy) in preparation for pregnancy up to periods, but when the woman does not get pregnant, all that built-up energy is released. Normally the energy moves upwards, but menstruation is a downward flow of energy, and this class of Prana causes discomfort to a woman during this time.
Menstruation and Prakruti
The menstrual cycle provides a unique insight into the working of the body, depending on the Prakruti (body type), people experience it differently.
There are mainly three types of Prakruti found in Ayurveda
You can find your prakruti from here: https://www.euroved.com/en/ayurveda/test/
Vatta Prakruti type person will experience Menstrual cycle associated with pain
For Pitta Prakruti, the Menstrual cycle will include heavy bleeding
At last, Kapha Prakruti will experience heavy bleeding with clots.
The above are signs of an abnormal or imbalanced cycle.
A healthy cycle can be defined as:
Monthly Discharge
No pain or burning sensation
Discharge is up to five nights
By following some rules, one can surpass this phase with a healthy discharge.
Reference - https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ayurvedabansko.com/ayurveda-treatment-of-menstrual-cycle-disorders/amp/
Physical Exertion
During this cycle, the body becomes weaker due to the heavy loss of blood, leading to physical and mental weakness. Exercising will need more blood circulation, which is counterproductive.
Ayurveda suggests relaxing the body in that period. Tuning in to the needs of the body at this time is much needed. If necessary, mild exercises can be done to deal with cramps.
During the first three days, the body releases heat through the discharge of blood, and so, a cold water bath from head to toe will hamper the self-purification process of the body. Ayurveda suggests taking a head to toe bath from the fourth day, as it starts the cooling process in the body.
Menstruating persons eat lesser during this period due to a fall in appetite, the reason being a drop in their Pachaka Agni (Digestive fire).
Ayurveda suggests that lighter food, mainly fruits, green vegetables, aloe vera juice is very helpful in this period. Avoid oily and fatty food. Most importantly, keep the body hydrated.
These simple yet profound practices are believed to ease the journey and help relax, energize, and prevent hormonal disorders.