Yoga practice during menstruation is a controversial issue. Some say people should not practise yoga during menstruation while others say practice everything. Everyone is different with regards to menstruation and may experience things differently during menstruation. What we need to know is what best helps and suits your preference and body.
Gandhar Mandlik a faculty of medicine found; If a person is having very extreme menstruation, then even the thought of practising will cause negative emotions. Yoga nidra and some gentle pranayama such as Bhramari (humming bee breath), Anulom vilom (alternate nostril breath), Ujjayi (victorious breath) and deep breathing can be helpful.
Benefits of Yoga include:
Ease cramping and aching.
Calms the mind.
Help reduce moderate to severe pain, abdominal swelling, and breast tenderness associated with the menstrual cycle.
Benefits of night-time yoga:
Alleviates insomnia.
Healthy weight loss.
Improves sleep quality and quality of life.
Promotes relaxation.
If even gentle poses stimulate your mind or body enough to keep you awake, then it's best to avoid them. Instead, focus on breathing techniques, meditation or tai chi.
Poses you can try:
Reclined Butterfly
Child’s Pose
Corpse Pose
Yoga Nidra
Many yoga techniques can be practised throughout the month to help balance hormones, period pain, prevent the PMS (premenstrual syndrome), emotional disturbance, and other related signs of menstruation. Some Asanas by Sannyasi Bhakti Ratna (Kate Woodworth):
Kandharsan (Shoulder Pose),
Ardha Chakrasan (Half Wheel),
Chakrasan (Wheel Pose),
Bhujangasan (Cobra),
Shalabhasan (Locust),
Dhanurasan (Bow),
Paschimottanasan (Forward Bend),
Sirshasan (Headstand),
Ushtrasan (Camel),
Ashwini Mudra (Horse Gesture),
Viparit Karni (Inverted Pose),
Marjariasan (Cat),
Aakarna Dhanurasan (Archer’s Bow),
Trikonasan (Triangle),
Garudasan (Eagle),
Veerasan (Warrior).
If you are uncomfortable practising full yoga moves, some deep breathing, gentle stretching, and chanting may be more beneficial. Certain asanas in yoga should be avoided during menstruation. The main type of asanas is inversions because this reverses the normal flow. These can lead to reproductive problems in the future or stop or disturb menstruation at this time. Any strong asanas like twists, strong backbends, standing positions that put a lot of stress on the abdominal and pelvic region should be avoided, especially if you are experiencing a lot of pain at the time. Strong vinyasa and power yoga should be avoided.
Surya namaskar can be useful if done slowly and gently but mostly it should be avoided if there is a lot of pain or heavy bleeding. Bandhas should also be avoided.
The menstrual cycle is very delicate even a small change in diet sleep or stress can change your cycle. Therefore, apart from asanas, the mind also has an impact on menstruation, making meditation and reflection an important practice.